Friday, October 13, 2006

Getting Hired.

Happy Friday!

This marks the end of week 3 at Symantec. I really can't complain - they really know how to treat their employees. This morning, a box showed up with my new Treo Smartphone. Having a phone paid for by the company is this geek's dream come true. Now, if I could just get a car...

One of my fabulous readers asked, "How would you characterize the tech industry in the Bay area these days?"

Well, considering that it took me about a week to get hired, I would say that things are looking pretty darned good!

It is still important to be connected. I knew someone here that helped me out, and there were other companies with former coworkers that were also interested in hiring me.

Here's my Guide For Getting Hired:

1. Who do you know? Think about it - are their people you have worked with in the past that are working at a company that you would like to work for? Call or email them and take them to lunch. Ask about open opportunities. Many companies are offering referral bonuses for qualified leads. If you can't think of anyone, ask your family and friends for connections. You'll come up with a list in short order.

2. Network-Online. Set up an account on Linked In or one of the other business networking sites. Find people you know and link to them. I was offered more than one gig due to my page on LinkedIn.

3. Network-In Person. Find events in your industry and go to them. Take resumes and business cards and give them out. Look for job fairs and go. Be sure to talk to people - force yourself if you are shy. If someone can't help you, ask if they know someone who can. Be sure to follow up and thank them.

4. Get out and interview. If you know someone at a company, but they don't have any openings, ask for an informational interview. In the best case, you will dazzle them with your brilliance and get a job. At the very least, you have an opportunity to practice.

5. Apply for jobs - even if you might not want them. You might be wrong. And again - you will have the experience in polishing your story, even if you don't end up working there.

6. Be persistent. Whenever successful people are interviewed, one of the common threads is that they never gave up - they kept on pushing. Like it or not - it works!

Good luck -and let me know how it goes!


At 10/19/2006 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer to help to get a job in the Bay Area! Your timing is uncanny because when I first read your blog when Lee linked to it about a week ago I thought to myself I need to talk to you when I'm ready to make another run at moving out to CA.


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