Reflections on a Rainy Wednesday
One of my closest friends is an entertainment lawyer in Hollywood. He moved down there a few years ago, and has been steadily progressing up the Hollywood ladder. He recently went through a one year screen writing program at UCLA.
In a 30 week program, the class produced their first script in 20 weeks, then a second script in 10 weeks. For the second script, he brought me on board to collaborate.
We are just about done with the script. When we finish, we have some folks ready to take a look at it. We based the story on the Renegades, and their rise from obscure little band to national sensation. The process of creating the story has been wonderful.
Over the past year, I have realized that the one thing that really gets me going is the creative process. Creating a show, a script, or a concert - these things make me happy.
But how to pay the bills? That's the tough part.
When I figure THAT out, it will be a wonderful day.
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